Just a watch
PD loves technology, including smart watches, but what if you want just a watch? Perhaps you want to spend a relaxing romantic evening out, concentrating on »
PD loves technology, including smart watches, but what if you want just a watch? Perhaps you want to spend a relaxing romantic evening out, concentrating on »
The Blocks smartwatch was launched on Kickstarter on October 13 with great support, so far achieving over $830,000 (US) funding and is heading towards its »
The exciting Blocks smart watch launches on Kickstarter on October 13! The specs have been released: Why is it exciting? Because you tailor its functions to »
A little while ago PD got excited about the Blocks modular watch, the development of which he has been watching since it was just an idea »
PD is bored by the epidemic of grand announcements of new "must-have" (really?) products that are little more than slight updates of current products »