The benefits of a journal
PD is not talking about an era when people wrote each day's events, beginning with "Dear diary". How boring you say, but »
PD is not talking about an era when people wrote each day's events, beginning with "Dear diary". How boring you say, but »
Does your barista present your coffee with nice patterns like a fern leaf on top of the froth? This is something that takes skill. Well, here »
The flying disc is a perennial toy for all ages. It has been around for decades. In 1938 Fred Morrison and future wife, Lucile, were offered »
PD has advised you about different tools for life in the last few posts. Now you want to go places, but how will get there? Of »
As you would gather by now PD loves great stationery, beautifully presented on thicker stock paper that feels nice. Letterpress on an old era machine adds »