Editorial: Too much sleep can be bad for you, say researchers
Travel: Candy Cane - The travel pillow that won't fill your cabin bag
Technology: Tarform's stunning electric motorcycle is art on wheels
Stationery: Collectable 2019 Letterpress Calendar
Gadgets and Gear: Why you need a pry bar
Books and Writing: Thornwillow's Shakespeare quotes at your fingertips
Miscellaneous: TID's No. 1 really cool 36 Black Edition
PD: Store

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EDITORIAL: Too much sleep can be bad for you, say researchers

We all know that people don't function at their best when they have too little sleep, however too much sleep can be just as bad according to researchers.

[Above: Albert Racinet, L'ornement Polychrome, 1888]

Writing in the aptly named journal "Sleep", the researchers found that the optimal length of sleep for best brain function is 7 to 8 hours. People who slept 4 hours had impaired higher brain functions such as verbal skills and reasoning. Total sleep deprivation affects those and short term memory.

The results were the same for all age groups (which PD found surprising).

The real surprise though was that sleeping more than the optimum amount affected brain function in the same way as too little sleep.


For those with a scientific streak can read the full details here:

Important disclaimer: PD is no sleep expert and makes no claims regarding this information, so don't use this article to either self diagnose or treat yourself - PD will not be held responsible for any consequences should you do so. Consult your medical or sleep professional before changing your sleeping habits.

Contact Prowling Dog at

TRAVEL: Candy Cane - the travel pillow that won't fill your cabin bag

PD has never been one for travel pillows - those U-shaped pillows that sit around your neck. Good ones are too bulky to carry with you, when you are already struggling with bags and documents. Cheap ones are, well, cheap. Nevertheless PD notices that a lot of humans would not leave home without one, to paraphrase an old credit card ad.

If you are one of those people who love or need a travel pillow then Candy Cane is the best option that PD has spotted while on the prowl.


  • It folds very small.
  • It even has a carry strap so that you can put it on a wrist or attach it to your cabin bag.
  • It is strong.
  • It is easy to inflate, either by blowing into it or by using the overhead air vent.
  • It is easy to deflate and pack up.

Grab one here:

Contact Prowling Dog at

TECHNOLOGY: Tarform's stunning electric motorcycle is art on wheels

Hot on the heel's of Sol's Pocket Rocket featured last week comes Tarform's electric motorcycle.



Every detail has been careful designed.



It is a modern motorcycle with artificial intelligence that warns the rider of potential dangers. PD is not aware of any other motorcycle that does this.


You can pre-order one here:

Contact Prowling Dog at

STATIONERY:  Collectable 2019 Letterpress Calendar

Its that time of year again - time to start thinking of calendars to help you stay organised in 2019.

[Above: Gezer calendar, c. 19th C. BC]

If you want something lighter than the one above, Fabien Barral's annual Letterpress Calendars have become collectors' pieces for their stunning artwork, especially the covers. This year's covers are as wonderful as ever.

As always, there are deluxe and standard editions.


The monthly page designs have not yet been revealed however Fabien Barral never disappoints.

Get yours here:

Contact Prowling Dog at

GADGETS AND GEAR: Why you need a pry bar

Continuing on from last week's story on the marlin spike, you will find a pocket pry bar very useful and once you include it in your EDC gear you will wonder why you never carried one before.

People come across situations where they need to pry something open, be it a door, a lid, two things stuck together, or to break into something (not a house). People usually look around and grab something that will do the job, usually a knife, spoon or screwdriver. They of course risk bending or breaking them. It is simply the old adage of having the right tool for the right job.


These days there are a number of pocket sized pry bars available. Try and get a titanium one. This material is strong and won't weigh you down. Some come with a glass breaker on the top, such as Boker's Vox Access Tool (pictured above).

Small pry bars are available at knife and tool shops.

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BOOKS AND WRITING: Thornwillow's Shakespeare quotes at your fingertips

Have you ever been lost for an appropriate quote? It is hard to go past the master of English literature, William Shakespeare.

[Above: William Shakepeare, John Taylor, 1610]

Thornwillow Press, which publishes cards, books and stationery, has produced these cute matchbox style cards with a collection of people's favourite quotes from the Bard.


They come in sets of five, housed in yellow matchboxes.


Contact Prowling Dog at

MISCELLANEOUS: TID's No. 1 really cool 36 Black Edition

PD appreciates clean minimalist design, which is why he likes TID watches. Now TID has introduced a totally uncluttered watch, the 36 Black Edition.


Like the name says, everything is black-on-black, right down to the box.


Get your dose of dark here:

Contact Prowling Dog at

PD: Store

X90 Planner

The X90 Planner has been thoroughly tested by PD and featured in PD: Cool Things 178:


The planner is hard back but opens flat. It is clearly laid out and uses quality paper. It is undated, so you can start working on your goals immediately. There are 90 days in the planner, the ideal length of time to achieve goals.


From US $31.95 plus shipping. Local taxes may apply in your country.

Contact Prowling Dog at

Important disclaimer: Remember that crowd funding sites are not stores. You may decide to back this project and provide funds, however there is no guarantee that any project will be delivered - the rate of failure is about 10%. PD is in no way accountable for the success or otherwise of any project and writes in this column purely for entertainment purposes, and will in no way be held liable for any failure or money lost by anyone. It is a case of "buyer beware". It is a sad reflection on the era we live in that PD must resort to this type of disclaimer.

Note: Photographs and illustrations are from the relevant websites and are the copyright of the respective owners.

© 2018 Prowling Dog