Moduletto is a young company in Vienna, Austria (PD has to be specific, as there are a lot of towns in America named after our great cities - even a Venice Beach). It produces stationery that gives you a lot of flexibility in putting a notebook together.
You choose covers, inserts and bands separately. All come in a variety of colors.
There is a choice of inserts, including plain, ruled and graph paper, as well as music staves, football (our soccer, sorry American friends) and a diary. The paper is of high quality and has a nice feel to it.
It comes in bundles of loose leaves; simply put the front and back covers on a bundle of paper. They have slots at the sides so that you can put on the elastic band to hold it all together. Smart and simple.
Two sizes are available, A5 and pocket.
If you are not in Europe Moduletto will ship to the USA. If your country is not listed write to the company for assistance.
Note for the curious: PD is having an official portrait prepared, which will be revealed in the next few months, however PD will not be able to confirm or deny the accuracy of this representation of him.
Note: photographs are from the relevant website and are the copyright of the respective owners.
Note: PD does not get sponsored by any company and chooses to write about products that catch his eye while on the prowl, without the makers' knowledge. That way he remains impartial.
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