This is a big topic and probably one where the most mistakes in manners are made, however it is also one of the most important if you intend to stay with the people that you live with on great terms rather than building resentment. It is also a broader group than the immediate people that you are living with, whether you share with friends, live in your parental home or with your partner and children. It also encompasses your neighbours and even people down the street.
As always with manners, think of others, and leave the home in a state that will be pleasing for others. You may be lucky and have a large house where every person has his or her own room and bathroom, however most people have to share nearly all of the spaces.
As far as interacting with others is concerned, like in the workplace, always be respectful. Politeness will solidify relationships. Do not take anyone for granted. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, including you, so think how you would want others to react if you made a mistake. Be forgiving.
While out and about dress neatly, being mindful of others. No one likes looking at a slob.
There will usually be one room that is shared by everyone, such as the lounge room or TV room. Make sure that you leave this room tidy. There is nothing worse for others than having your mess around, whether it be old clothes or used cups and dishes.
If you had a drink while watching TV take the cup back to the kitchen and wash it. If people are watching television or reading do not carry on a loud conversation.
PD ventures into the bathroom and the bedroom.