First, PD apologizes for the longer than usual gap between posts, however he has been enjoying a summer break in the countryside. A prowl around the countryside meant packing PD's EDC tools for emergencies, which he carries in a pouch. One item that comes in handy is string of some kind, but it must be strong and convenient to use. Paracord, originally used in parachutes, is light and strong, and these days comes is many colours and accessories. PD bought a simple bracelet from the American company We Are All Smith,
Why a bracelet? It is handy, a convenient length and it comes with loops on the end as well a carabiner, ready to use for holding things together, hanging small items from your bag or backpack, as emergency shoelaces (undo the knots first), as well as playful emergency cuffs for your loved one. It also looks good and can be carried on your wrist (yes, canines have wrists). PD used it to keep his spray jacket rolled up compactly so it would fit in his day pack.
The bracelets come in a variety of colors and carabiners; PD chose the stealthy Special Ops version. The bracelets also come beautifully packaged.
PD rating: 5 paws out of 5.
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