Editorial: Drop bears - the truth part 4.
Travel: Atlas Bar.
Technology: Rockwell Bike Helmet.
Stationery: Creative Minds Journal.
Gadgets and gear: Grim Everyday Carry Zipper Micro Tool System.
Books and writing: Put a Monocle On It.
Project of the week: Award delayed.
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EDITORIAL: Drop bears - the truth part 4
The story so far: MOTS is back from the Australian bush after an ordeal looking for the dangerous drop bear. PD has managed to retrieve some footage from MOTS' camera. Could this be a drop bear hiding in a tree and then in full flight?
The evidence is in and PD will reveal the result of his investigation next week.
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TRAVEL: Atlas bar
The Atlas Bar in Singapore is one of the most amazing bars there is. Although new, it has an opulent Art Deco feel. The three-storey liquor cabinet is amazing. The whole place feels more like an exclusive club than a bar. Although there is a wide range of drinks available, the bar specialises in gin, and there is even a Juniper Society that you can join. Enjoy this tour:
For the curious: The Juniper Society derives its name from the fact that gin, the bars signature drink, gets its flavour from Juniper berries (Juniperus communis).
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TECHNOLOGY: Rockwell Bike Helmet
A bike helmet designed by an opera singer? Read on. The bike helmet has undergone many design changes over the years. This one is different.
It consists of a breathable fabric inlay and an ABS shell with openings. Apart from breathability and ventilation, the design is comfortable. It also looks good.
Because the system is modular, you can adapt the helmet for other sports such as skiing.
It comes in a variety of colours.
The helmet meets European safety norms.
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STATIONERY: Creative Minds Journal
There are plenty of journals out there, most of which vary slightly in layout but have the same elements. For those wanting more flexibility rather than sticking to rigid boxes, this is the planner for you.
The planner consists of a high quality notebook, which comes in either black dot-grid format or in "nude" design paper, and a set of stickers for dates and headings. There is a pocket in the back of the notebook to store the stickers.
Simple create your own boxes and categories that you need. This way you will have a customised planner suited to you.
For the artistically inclined, you can even get a set of water colours to really jazz up your journal.
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GADGETS AND GEAR: Grim Everyday Carry Zipper Micro Tool System
For those who like to be ready for any situation or who like covert tools, this amazing collection is for you.
These tiny tools are made from stainless steel. They will fit anywhere.
There is a large array of tools available so that you will be prepared for any situation.
As if these were not enough, even more tools are planned!
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BOOKS AND WRITING: Put a Monocle On It
Tami Boyce draws adorable animals and then puts a monocle on them, and they become adorable and intelligent. Drawing them on a background dictionary page with the animal's entry makes them appear even more intelligent and stylish.
She has collected her animals with monocles in a book. You will definitely fall in love with it!
For the curious: You can check out some of Tami's other work here:
Contact Prowling Dog at
PROJECT OF THE WEEK: Award delayed.
Contact Prowling Dog at
Contact Prowling Dog at
Important disclaimer: Remember that crowdfunding sites are not stores. You may decide to back this project and provide funds, however there is no guarantee that any project will be delivered - the rate of failure is about 10%. PD is in no way accountable for the success or otherwise of any project and writes in this column purely for entertainment purposes, and will in no way be held liable for any failure or money lost by anyone. It is a case of "buyer beware". It is a sad reflection on the era we live in that PD must resort to this type of disclaimer.
Note: Photographs and illustrations are from the relevant websites and are the copyright of the respective owners.
© 2017 Prowling Dog